how long after lip fillers can i wear makeup

How Long After Lip Fillers Can I Wear Makeup?

Lip fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking to enhance their lips and achieve a fuller, more youthful appearance. Many patients are unsure about when they can start wearing makeup again.

The key to successful post-treatment lip care is to give your lips time to heal and to avoid any unnecessary irritation.

Preparing for makeup application

When it comes to wearing makeup after getting lip fillers, it is important to approach it with caution and follow the guidance of your aesthetic practitioner. While the exact timing may vary depending on individual factors and the specific filler used, it is generally recommended to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before applying any makeup to your lips.

Before you start applying makeup, ensure that the area is clean and free from any residual swelling or tenderness. Gently cleanse your lips with a mild cleanser and pat them dry with a clean towel. It is advisable to choose makeup products that are formulated for sensitive skin and are free from harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Less is more when it comes to post-treatment makeup application. Start with a light layer of lip balm or moisturizer to hydrate your lips, followed by a lip liner to define and enhance their shape.

You can ensure a successful and safe transition back to wearing makeup after getting lip fillers. Remember to consult with your aesthetic practitioner for personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs.

The healing process after lip fillers

The healing process after lip fillers is crucial for a successful outcome. After getting lip fillers, it is normal to experience some swelling, tenderness, and bruising in the treated area. These side effects usually subside within a few days, but the healing process can vary from person to person.

It is essential to give your lips enough time to heal before applying makeup. Rushing into wearing makeup too soon can potentially irritate the treated area and prolong the healing process.

As the days go by, you can gradually introduce makeup into your routine. However, it is important to choose products that are gentle and do not contain irritating ingredients.

It is advisable to avoid any excessive touching, rubbing, or exfoliation of the treated area as this can disrupt the healing process. Be patient and allow your lips to fully heal before experimenting with different makeup looks.

After lip filler treatment

Timing your makeup application after lip filler treatment is crucial to ensure proper healing and optimal results. While everyone’s healing process may vary slightly, it is generally recommended to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before applying any makeup to your lips.

During this initial phase, it is important to focus on cleansing and moisturizing your lips without any makeup. This will allow the treated area to breathe and heal properly. Once the initial swelling and tenderness have subsided, you can gradually introduce makeup into your routine.

Look for lighter textures and avoid heavy or matte lipsticks, as they can further dry out the lips. It is also advisable to avoid excessive touching, rubbing, or exfoliation of the treated area, as this can disrupt the healing process.

You will give your lips the necessary time to heal and ensure long-lasting and natural-looking results. Remember to consult with your aesthetic practitioner for personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs.

Tips for safe and effective makeup application

Now that you have waited the recommended 24 to 48 hours before applying makeup to your lips after the lip filler treatment, it is important to follow some tips for safe and effective makeup application.

1. Start with clean and moisturized lips:

Before applying any makeup, cleanse your lips gently using a mild cleanser or a gentle lip scrub. Follow up with a hydrating lip balm to nourish and moisturize the lips.

2. Use a lip primer:

Applying a lip primer will create a smooth canvas for your lipstick and help it last longer. Look for a primer that is specifically formulated for lips and is free of irritants.

3. Choose hydrating formulas:

Opt for hydrating lipsticks, glosses, or stains that contain moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or shea butter. These will not only enhance the appearance of your lips but also help keep them hydrated throughout the day.

4. Avoid heavy or matte formulas:

Heavy or matte lipsticks can be drying and may accentuate any dryness or flakiness on your lips. Instead, choose creamy or satin finish lip products for a more comfortable wear.

5. Be cautious with lip liners:

If you choose to use a lip liner, make sure it is a soft and creamy formula. Harsh or dry lip liners can tug on the delicate skin of your lips and disrupt the healing process.

Common mistakes to avoid 

While it’s important to know what to do when applying makeup after lip fillers, it’s equally crucial to be aware of the common mistakes to avoid. These mistakes can potentially impact the healing process and the overall appearance of your lips. Here are some mistakes to steer clear of:

a. Applying too much pressure:

Be mindful of the amount of pressure you apply when applying or removing makeup from your lips. Excessive pressure can irritate the newly injected area and may lead to bruising or swelling. Instead, use gentle, light strokes and be cautious not to tug on the skin.

b. Using expired or unclean products:

It’s crucial to use clean, quality makeup products to avoid any potential infection or adverse reaction. Check the expiration dates of your makeup items and ensure they’re still within their recommended use period. Additionally, regularly clean your brushes and sponges to maintain hygiene.

c. Skipping sunscreen:

Protecting your lips from the harmful effects of the sun is just as important as protecting the rest of your skin. Applying sunscreen with a high SPF to your lip area can prevent sun damage, premature aging, and maintain the longevity of your lip fillers.

d. Overdoing lip plumping products:

While it may be tempting to further enhance the plumpness of your lips with lip plumping products, it’s best to avoid them immediately after getting lip fillers. These products can irritate the area and potentially interfere with the healing process. Wait until your lips have fully healed before considering any additional lip plumping treatments.

Final thoughts 

After getting lip fillers, it’s natural to want to enhance your lips with makeup. However, it’s crucial to be patient and give your lips enough time to heal before diving back into your regular makeup routine. Remember, the healing process can vary from person to person, but on average

Once you’re ready to wear makeup again, it’s important to choose products that are gentle and non-irritating. Opt for moisturizing lip balms, lightweight lipsticks, or lip glosses that won’t put too much pressure on your lips.

Overall, the key is to listen to your body and consult with your dermatologist or practitioner for personalized advice.


Q: Can I wear lipstick immediately after lip fillers?

It’s generally best to wait at least 48 hours before applying lipstick or any other makeup to the treated area to allow the filler to settle properly.

Q: Are there any makeup products I should avoid after lip fillers?

Yes, it’s advisable to avoid matte lipsticks or lip products with drying formulas, as well as harsh lip exfoliants or scrubs that may irritate the lips.

Q: How can I ensure my makeup doesn’t interfere with the healing process after lip fillers?

Choose gentle, hydrating makeup products and apply them with a light hand to avoid disrupting the healing process or causing irritation to the lips.