I’m pretty proud of myself for getting a post on rosacea up within a ( fairly ) reasonable time, unlike my how to guide on using Nuface. There have been requests for a guide on how to treat rosacea, the nice part is that many of these tips can apply to sensitive skin as well! Both skin conditions should be treated delicately, caution always a priority.

Rosacea fam, you have a lot of rules to abide by. It can be high maintenance, just know diligence will keep your flair ups minimized, redness reduced, and skin healthy.

the things to avoid

Dairy, spicy foods, cleansing with hot water, hot yoga, steam… really anything topically or internally that raises your temperature can be a trigger.

In skincare, fragrance, scrubs, sulfates, alcohol/witch hazel ( or anything drying ) need to be on your radar when checking labels. Rose is a vasodilator and can cause a red flushing to the skin, it isn’t harmful but it may cause unwanted pink tones. When you’re out shopping for products claiming to be for sensitive skin, double check the ingredient deck. I love Darphin but even they use fragrance.

When it comes to professional treatments communicate with your esthetician, let them know what your skin is like. Aggressive treatments need to be avoided. That said every sensitive/rosacea skin is different, so a very, very gentle sweep of microdermabrasion may not be triggering for some while others can hardly tolerate the fibers of a hand towel. Choosing a hydrating or calming facial is your best option but really, almost any treatment can be customized by your esthetician to fit your skin’s needs. I’ll have a post on how to find a good esthetician in the near future to alleviate any stress in searching for someone!

A detailed comprehensive list of triggers can be found here.

the things you can do

Don’t you hate being told no?! Me too. Let’s talk about what you CAN do, the fun stuff.

You can exfoliate.

Again, every rosacea skin is different so listen to it, pay attention to how it reacts, and spot test new products always. Some sensitive skin clients receive enough exfoliation just from using a hand towel while cleansing. If you’re wanting more look for enzyme treatments, low percentage acids, or gentle retinol once a week. No scrubs!

You can cleanse.

Duh, right? Gentle cleansers without sulfates or fragrance are your face friends. If you’re oily, look for foam/mousse cleansers, and dry skin types will benefit from cream cleansers. When in doubt, Cerave is always a safe bet. I’m cautious of suggesting oil cleansers for inflammatory conditions, skip on down to “nourish” for the deets.

You can nourish. 

Masks and serums are a great way to gently replenish, calm, and hydrate your sensitive skin. I don’t have rosacea but I am sensitive, so I definitely have a few favorites to share with you!

When it comes to masking, Skinceuticals Phyto Corrective Mask ($57) or Skinceuticals Biocellulose Mask ($120) are both super effective and can live in your fridge! Phyto Corrective Mask is ideal for weekly ( or more frequently ) treatments while I have Biocellulose for intense flare-ups.

For daily maintenance Dermalogica UltraCalming Serum Concentrate ($58) is fantastic but my ULTIMATE fave is Hydropeptide Soothing Serum ($130). Yes, it’s expensive… I haven’t had it in my personal rotation for a while because of its price, but nothing else can compare to how effectively it controls rosacea IMO.

Okay, and my secret weapon… ensuring your lipid balance is in check will make a world of difference in how inflamed or pink your skin is. I’ve talked about the importance of ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids in your routine before.

Over the last year, I’ve been putting my clients on either Skinceuticals Triple Lipid Restore or Cerave Gel Renewal Oil. The results? A reduction in inflammation, redness, rosacea pimples, improved texture. It’s like magic for your skin! Or really science I guess, ha!

You can play.

Anyone else have Barbie Girl stuck in their head now?  Literally, it’s been stuck in mine for the last 30 min since writing that line.


I have two tools I like for calming. The first one is a jade roller, known for calming as the stones remain cool to the touch whether or not you store it in your fridge. Then we have my new found friend, the ice roller. Not only can you use it when your sensitive skin is triggered, but it’s equally awesome for eczema or contact dermatitis anywhere on the body. Other benefits include de-puffing, shrinking pores, making your face feel alive with ice-cold steel. I love mine!

I think that pretty much covers it?? If I think of anything else I’ll come back and make additions! Comment below if you have any fave calming products we need to know about, k? And if you have any requests for future posts… let me know? xx